Listed below are agencies with regulatory authority over craft brewers in California. Please contact the CCBA if you have any questions about these agencies or requirements:
- California Department of Public Health (Health Department)
CCBA BREWER’S BRIEF on health department oversight and exceptions available here.
- Cal/OSHA
Agency Role: Protects and improves the health and safety of workers in California
Brewery Requirements: Workplace postings
Resources: Index. IIPP eTool.
- California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
Agency Role: Administers and provides oversight for all of California’s state-managed waste handling and recycling programs including the California Redemption Program
Brewery Requirements: Beer manufacturers must register with the Department and make monthly submission of Beverage Manufacturer Reports (DR-4) and corresponding payments for processing fees to the Division of Recycling. Beer manufacturers must maintain proper record keeping and record retention and must provide notification to the Division in writing if closing business, changing ownership or changing address. You must also make sure your CRV labeling meets the Departments minimum requirements. Growlers are considered refillable and are not subject to CRV labeling or payment. Font size must be: 1/8 inch if placed on a contrasting color background or 3/16 inch if not on contrasting color background. If selling directly to a licensed retail account or to consumers for off-sale retail, a beer manufacturer must make monthly submission of Distributor Reports (DR-3) and corresponding redemption payments to the Division
Resources: Beverage Container Labeling Requirements, Beverage Distributors & Manufacturers, Registration for Beverage Distributors & Manufacturers, Label suggestions - CCBA Fact Sheet: CRV Labeling and Registration Requirements – updated June 2019
- California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Agency Role: DTSC regulates harmful toxic substances by restoring contaminated resources, enforcing hazardous waste laws, reducing hazardous waste generation, and encouraging the manufacture of chemically safer products.
Local Agency Partnerships: While the DTSC creates regulations relating to hazardous materials, enforcement and reporting is applied at the county level. These intergovernmental agreements are known as Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPA).
Brewery Requirements: California beer manufactures that handle hazardous waste are required to report and submit mandatory information electronically through the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) which is administered by their local county agency.
Resources: Hazardous material regulatory compliance can be a very confusing process. The CCBA developed this Hazardous Materials Regulations Factsheet and County Directory to help brewers understand the requirements and identify their local regulatory agencies.
- California State Board of Equalization
Agency Role: State tax administration agency
Brewery Requirements: Excise tax license and reporting
Resources: Online Registration, Manufacturing, R&D Exemption
- Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)
Agency Role: Protect health, safety, welfare and economic well-being of the people of California by regulating the alcohol industry of California through licensing and trade enforcement
Brewery Requirements: Apply for and receive Type 01 (Large Beer Manufacturer), Type 23 (Small Beer Manufacturers) or Type 75 License through ABC district offices
Resources: Common ABC licenses and brief description of each, ABC ACT, Trade Practices Within California
- Department of Food and Agriculture
Agency Role: Chapter 6 regulates the agricultural commodities market within California
Brewery Requirements: All beer manufacturers that purchase agricultural commodities (grains, hops, etc.) directly from the producer (farm), are required to apply to the department
Resources: Application is here
- Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC)
Agency Role: Monitors the administration of workers’ compensation claims and provides administrative and judicial services to assist in resolving disputes that arise in connection with claims for workers’ compensation benefits
Brewery Requirements: Employers must obtain adequate unemployment insurance
- Employer Development Department (EDD)
Agency Role: Manages California’s federal unemployment insurance program requirement. Also maintains the state’s unemployment insurance requirement
Brewery Requirements: An employer who becomes subject to the employment tax laws, is required to register with the Employment Development Department (EDD) to obtain an identification number, which is the state equivalent of the federal identification number
Resources: Apply using registration form DE 1
- Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA)
Agency Role: Agency protecting public health and preventing contamination of chemicals (Prop 65 signage administration)
Brewery Requirements: Prop 65 signs are currently required at Point-of-Sale for breweries and retailers. In addition, as of January 1, 2017, new BPA reporting is needed to provide “safe harbor” to all breweries selling products with BPA.
- State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
Agency Role: The State Water Resources Control Board regulates the Storm water discharges in California through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits.
Brewery Requirements: The State Water Board has declared that all manufacturers (including breweries) must apply for a storm water permit through the board
Resources: You can find a list of all regional water boards here . Contact the CCBA for a list of storm water consultants:
- US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Agency Role: The FDA inspects food facilities, including breweries, to ensure they comply with FDA regulatory requirements. The FDA may conduct inspections as the result of routine surveillance, product quality issues, consumer complaints, or recalls. The agency also may conduct inspections to follow up on a previous inspection or an FDA enforcement action. The FDA also contracts with state and local food protection programs to conduct inspections and provide certification and training.
- Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
Agency Role: Protects the copyrights of music artists by licensing public presentations of music and compensating the creators
Brewery Requirements: BMI FAQ
Resources: Brewery Association’s BMI Discount Program
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