CCBA Launches first-of-its-kind CA Craft Beer Summit and Brewers Showcase


The CCBA is excited and proud to announce the launch of the California Craft Beer Summit and Brewers Showcase to connect California’s thriving craft brewing industry to beer enthusiasts across the state. This first-of-its-kind event will profile California craft beer and celebrate the brewers whose creativity and passion have formed the world’s most coveted beers. The two day summit and brewers showcase will be held in Sacramento on September 11th-12th, 2015.

The two day event will allow attendees to see, smell, taste and feel beer while learning about beer styles, how beer is made and experience an inside view of the craft brewing industry.  The trade show floor will feature numerous demonstrations and “Tap Talks” while breakout seminars in a classroom setting will explore all facets of craft beer.

The Expo will culminate with the “Brewers Showcase” – a unique beer festival and village that will profile and highlight craft beers from all across California.

Summit Website IS LIVE! More information on the event can be found here:

Sponsorship Opportunities: Looking at ways your company can get involved? Sponsorship Opportunities can be found here. Contact- 

Brewery Participation: Interested in pouring your beer at the Brewers Showcase? Please email