Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. is recognized for its environmental leadership in the brewing industry. Since 1980, the company has consistently implemented sustainability policies and projects that reduced the company’s environmental� read more →
Chico, CA – Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. announced a donation of $91,075.50 from the 2010 “Wild Rivers” campaign to help preserve vital waterways across the country. For every 12-pack of� read more →
California Small Brewers Association FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tom McCormick 530-265-0422 California craft brewers bring home most awards of any state at the largest commercial beer competition in the� read more →
Swedish and Finnish divers have discovered possibly the world´s oldest beer in a shipwreck in the Åland Sea, east of Stockholm. It was in the process of salvaging what is� read more →
The San Francisco Brewers Guild is excited to present its seventh annual Brews on the Bay Beer Festival. All seven San Francisco artisan breweries will serve their finest & freshest� read more →
Great Beer Festival this weekend. Help support California Small Brewers Association. Salute! Celebrating Finely Crafted Beer & Food to Benefit FOOD Share of Ventura County Saturday, June 19th, 2010 at� read more →