CCBA is excited to host our second Virtual conference this April on the Boomset platform. Learn more about how to navigate the virtual platform and how you can get business done with exhibitors and connect with fellow attendees during the two-day conference.
Please Note: Google Chrome is the recommended internet browser to log-in to the virtual platform
Event Link:
See below some answers to commonly asked questions about the virtual conference and the event platform.
You can access the help desk for the Virtual platform here.
How do I register for the conference?
In order to receive your personal log-in link to the virtual conference platform, YOU MUST pre-register for the conference.
You can register for the conference the day of!
IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: When registering you MUST include an individual email address for EACH attendee. If you are signing up multiple staff from your brewery, each attendee must have their OWN personal email address for logging into the virtual event platform. DO NOT put the same email address for all your staff.
What is the cost to register and what is included?
Registration is $20 for CCBA members and includes access to the presentation recordings post-event!
If you are a non-member brewery owner or staff you can register at the non-member price of $50.00.
Registration includes:
- Two day access to the CCBA Virtual Spring Conference event platform which hosts all sessions, a virtual “exhibitor hall”, a community chat where you can connect with fellow attendees, and conference materials and resources.
- NEW! Registration now includes access to the platform post-event where you can access the video recordings of the presentations. These recordings are ONLY available to attendees that registered for the conference.
How do I log-in to the Virtual Conference Platform?
The CCBA is using the Boomset Virtual Event Platform again for this year’s Spring Conference.
Event Link:
Once you are registered as an attendee you will receive an email on Thursday, April 15, with a link to log-in to the event platform. (Please note: this email will be sent to the email you entered during the registration process). You will receive an email from Boomset containing a Pin Code allowing you to log onto the platform and see the list of events you have been added to.
Please Note: Google Chrome is the recommended internet browser to log-in to the virtual platform
View the full step-by-step article, “How to Access the Virtual Platform As An Attendee” Here
If you have any issues with logging-in please contact
How can I add sessions to my schedule in the Virtual Platform?
Once you are in the event, go to the Sessions tab (look for the calendar icon) to view a list of the sessions and select the session you would like to view.
You may add and remove sessions from your schedule using the button on the far right. See example screenshot below:
How can I chat with attendees during the virtual event?
After you’ve entered your virtual event on the left hand of the screen you click on the Community tab. After this, you will be able to connect with all the attendees at your event who have their profile accessible to the public. You are able to make your profile Private or Public within the Community section, by toggling it On or Off.
Toggled On: If your Profile is toggled in the On position your profile is public and can be searched by other attendees and they can reach out to you via direct message.
Toggled Off: If your Profile is toggled in the Off position your profile is private and you can not be searched for and you will not appear on the list of attendees in the community section. Please note while your profile is private you can still message other attendees directly and have video calls with them.
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